Fundamental Valuation
Verifying and validating the company’s fundamentals and business profile.
Quick Profits, Accurate Stock Predictions With Machine Learning & AI was founded in 2020 and currently has thousands of active members and dozens of paid lifetime members. All Stock, Crypto and Forex Codes can be used and researched using Machine Learning & AI from with name I-Trade X. Helps Your Portfolio Growth With a Combination of 4 Pillars with a Valuation Method (I-Shield)
Verifying and validating the company’s fundamentals and business profile.
Analyze data on attractive prices (best entry prices) and expensive prices (fluctuating prices) technically on traded shares.
Conduct transaction in/out flow research on each stock traded.
Carry out market maker analysis on every price movement in certain shares.
In the webinar, we will share directly the logic & workings of the i-Trade tool for reading BANDAR PATTERNS, so you don’t need to bother with manual analysis which takes a lot of time and has a higher chance of making a mistake.
Committed to your success, each professional brings a wealth of experience.
More than 10 years of experience in the stock market and forex.
Experienced in IT Infrastructure & IT Security who is currently actively building IT infrastructure in the United States. Focusing on keeping the I-Trade system running smoothly.
Has more than 10 years of experience in the crypto and stock markets as well as IT Developer & IT Security.
Trading & Investing Results Guaranteed Above Market Performance
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